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Malka Y, Alkan F, Ju S, Korner PR, Pataskar A, Shulman E, Loayza-Puch F, Champagne J, Wenzel C, Faller WJ, Elkon R, Lee C, Agami R. Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation generates downstream uncapped RNA isoforms with translation potential. Mol Cell. 2022 Oct 20;82(20):3840-3855.e8. [PubMed]

Elkon R, Agami R. Two-layer design protects genes from mutations in their enhancers. Nature. 2022 Sep;609(7927):477-478. [PubMed]

Trpchevska et al. Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 48 risk variants and highlights the role of the stria vascularis in hearing loss. Am J Hum Genet. 2022 Jun 2;109(6):1077-1091. [PubMed]

Groenewoud D, Shye A, Elkon R. Incorporating regulatory interactions into gene-set analyses for GWAS data: A controlled analysis with the MAGMA tool. PLoS Comput Biol. 2022 Mar 22 [PubMed]

Groenewoud D, Shye A, Elkon R. Incorporating regulatory interactions into gene-set analyses for GWAS data: A controlled analysis with the MAGMA tool. PLoS Comput Biol. 2022 Mar 22 [PubMed]

Tammer L, Hameiri O, Keydar I, Roy VR, Ashkenazy-Titelman A, Custódio N, Sason I, Shayevitch R, Rodríguez-Vaello V, Rino J, Lev Maor G, Leader Y, Khair D, Aiden EL, Elkon R, Irimia M, Sharan R, Shav-Tal Y, Carmo-Fonseca M, Ast G. Gene architecture directs splicing outcome in separate nuclear spatial regions. Mol Cell. 2022 Mar 3 [PubMed]

Levi H, Rahmanian N, Elkon R, Shamir R. The DOMINO web-server for active module identification analysis. Bioinformatics. 2022 Feb 9 [PubMed]

Hait TA, Elkon R, Shamir R. CT-FOCS: a novel method for inferring cell type- specific enhancer-promoter maps. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 31 [PubMed]


Udagawa T, Atkinson PJ, Milon B, Abitbol JM, Song Y, Sperber M, Huarcaya Najarro E, Scheibinger M, Elkon R, Hertzano R, Cheng AG. Lineage-tracing and translatomic analysis of damage-inducible mitotic cochlear progenitors identifies candidate genes regulating regeneration. PLoS Biol. 2021 Nov 10 [PubMed]

Milon B, Shulman ED, So KS, Cederroth CR, Lipford EL, Sperber M, Sellon JB, Sarlus H, Pregernig G, Shuster B, Song Y, Mitra S, Orvis J, Margulies Z, Ogawa Y, Shults C, Depireux DA, Palermo AT, Canlon B, Burns J, Elkon R, Hertzano R. A cell-type-specific atlas of the inner ear transcriptional response to acoustic trauma. Cell Rep.

2021 Sep 28 [PubMed]

Evron T, Caspi M, Kazelnik M, Shor-Nareznoy Y, Armoza-Eilat S, Kariv R, Manber Z, Elkon R, Sklan EH, Rosin-Arbesfeld R. A CRISPR knockout screen reveals new regulators of canonical Wnt signaling. Oncogenesis.

2021 Sep 22 [PubMed]

Margalit S, Abramson Y, Sharim H, Manber Z, Bhattacharya S, Chen YW, Vilain E, Barseghyan H, Elkon R, Sharan R, Ebenstein Y. Long reads capture simultaneous enhancer-promoter methylation status for cell-type deconvolution. Bioinformatics. 2021 Jul 12 [PubMed]

​Shulman ED, Elkon R. Genetic mapping of developmental trajectories for complex traits and diseases. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2021 Jun 6;19:3458-3469. [PubMed]

Li L, Ugalde AP, Scheele CLGJ, Dieter SM, Nagel R, Ma J, Pataskar A, Korkmaz G, Elkon R, Chien MP, You L, Su PR, Bleijerveld OB, Altelaar M, Momchev L, Manber Z, Han R, van Breugel PC, Lopes R, Ten Dijke P, van Rheenen J, Agami R.

A comprehensive enhancer screen identifies TRAM2 as a key and novel mediator of YAP oncogenesis. Genome Biol. 2021 Jan 29;22(1):54. [PubMed]

Margalit S, Abramson Y, Sharim H, Manber Z, Bhattacharya S, Chen YW, Vilain E, Barseghyan H, Elkon R, Sharan R, Ebenstein Y. Long reads capture simultaneous enhancer-promoter methylation status for cell-type deconvolution. Bioinformatics. 2021 Jul 12;37(Suppl_1):i327-i333. [PubMed]

Levi H, Elkon R, Shamir R. DOMINO: a network-based active module identification algorithm with reduced rate of false calls. Mol Syst Biol. 2021 Jan;17(1):e9593. [PubMed]

Krohs C, Bordeynik-Cohen M, Messika-Gold N, Elkon R, Avraham KB, Nothwang HG. Expression pattern of cochlear microRNAs in the mammalian auditory hindbrain. Cell Tissue Res. 2021 Feb;383(2):655-666. [PubMed]

Koffler-Brill T, Taiber S, Anaya A, Bordeynik-Cohen M, Rosen E, Kolla L, Messika-Gold N, Elkon R, Kelley MW, Ulitsky I, Avraham KB. Identification and characterization of key long non-coding RNAs in the mouse cochlea. RNA Biol. 2021 Aug;18(8):1160-1169. [PubMed]


Matern MS, Milon B, Lipford EL, McMurray M, Ogawa Y, Tkaczuk A, Song Y, Elkon R, Hertzano R. GFI1 functions to repress neuronal gene expression in the developing inner ear hair cells. Development. 2020 Sep 11;147(17):dev186015. [PubMed]

Shulman ED, Elkon R. Systematic identification of functional SNPs interrupting 3'UTR polyadenylation signals. PLoS Genet. 2020 Aug 17;16(8):e1008977. [PubMed]

Slobodin B, Bahat A, Sehrawat U, Becker-Herman S, Zuckerman B, Weiss AN, Han R, Elkon R, Agami R, Ulitsky I, Shachar I, Dikstein R. Transcription Dynamics Regulate Poly(A) Tails and Expression of the RNA Degradation Machinery to Balance mRNA Levels. Mol Cell. 2020 May 7;78(3):434-444.e5. [PubMed]


Mandelboum S, Manber Z, Elroy-Stein O, Elkon R. Recurrent functional misinterpretation of RNA-seq data caused by sample-specific gene length bias. PLoS Biol. 2019 Nov 12;17(11):e3000481. [PubMed]

Shulman ED, Elkon R. Cell-type-specific analysis of alternative polyadenylation using single-cell transcriptomics data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Nov 4;47(19):10027-10039. [PubMed]

Korkmaz G, Manber Z, Lopes R, Prekovic S, Schuurman K, Kim Y, Teunissen H, Flach K, Wit E, Galli GG, Zwart W, Elkon R, Agami R. A CRISPR-Cas9 screen identifies essential CTCF anchor sites for estrogen receptor-driven breast cancer cell proliferation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Oct 10;47(18):9557-9572. [PubMed]

Hait TA, Maron-Katz A, Sagir D, Amar D, Ulitsky I, Linhart C, Tanay A, Sharan R, Shiloh Y, Elkon R, Shamir R. The EXPANDER Integrated Platform for Transcriptome Analysis. J Mol Biol. 2019 Jun 14;431(13):2398-2406. [PubMed]

Ziv Y, Rahamim N, Lezmy N, Even-Chen O, Shaham O, Malishkevich A, Giladi E, Elkon R, Gozes I, Barak S. Activity dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP) is an alcohol-responsive gene and negative regulator of alcohol consumption in female mice. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Jan;44(2):415-424. 



Chessum L, Matern MS, Kelly MC, Johnson SL, Ogawa Y, Milon B, McMurray M, Driver EC, Parker A, Song Y, Codner G, Esapa CT, Prescott J, Trent G, Wells S, Dragich AK, Frolenkov GI, Kelley MW, Marcotti W, Brown SDM, Elkon R, Bowl MR, Hertzano R. Helios is a key transcriptional regulator of outer hair cell maturation. Nature. 2018 Nov;563(7733):696-700. [PubMed]

Nurick I, Shamir R, Elkon R. Genomic meta-analysis of the interplay between 3D chromatin organization and gene expression programs under basal and stress conditions. Epigenetics Chromatin. 2018 Aug 29;11(1):49. [PubMed]

Lopes R, Korkmaz G, Revilla SA, van Vliet R, Nagel R, Custers L, Kim Y, van Breugel PC, Zwart W, Moumbeini B, Manber Z, Elkon R, Agami R. CUEDC1 is a primary target of ERα essential for the growth of breast cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2018 Nov 1;436:87-95. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2018.08.018. Epub 2018 Aug 23. PMID: 30145202. [PubMed]

Han R, Li L, Ugalde AP, Tal A, Manber Z, Barbera EP, Chiara VD, Elkon R, Agami R. Functional CRISPR screen identifies AP1-associated enhancer regulating FOXF1 to modulate oncogene-induced senescence. Genome Biol. 2018 Aug 17;19(1):118.


Cohen-Tayar Y, Cohen H, Mitiagin Y, Abravanel Z, Levy C, Idelson M, Reubinoff B, Itzkovitz S, Raviv S, Kaestner KH, BlinderP, Elkon R, Ashery-Padan R. Pax6 regulation of Sox9 in the mouse retinal pigmented epithelium controls its timely differentiation and choroid vasculature development. Development. 2018 Aug 9;145(15):dev163691. [PubMed]

Hait TA, Amar D, Shamir R, Elkon R. FOCS: a novel method for analyzing enhancer and gene activity patterns infers an extensive enhancer-promoter map. Genome Biol. 2018 May 1;19(1):56. [PubMed]

Li L, van Breugel PC, Loayza-Puch F, Ugalde AP, Korkmaz G, Messika-Gold N, Han R, Lopes R, Barbera EP, Teunissen H, de Wit E, Soares RJ, Nielsen BS, Holmstrøm K, Martínez-Herrera DJ, Huarte M, Louloupi A, Drost J, Elkon R, Agami
R. LncRNA-OIS1 regulates DPP4 activation to modulate senescence induced by RAS. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 May 4;46(8):4213-4227. [PubMed]

Gavish-Izakson M, Velpula BB, Elkon R, Prados-Carvajal R, Barnabas GD, Ugalde AP, Agami R, Geiger T, Huertas P, Ziv Y, Shiloh Y. Nuclear poly(A)-binding protein 1 is an ATM target and essential for DNA double-strand break repair. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 25;46(2):730-747. [PubMed]


Elkon R, Agami R. Characterization of noncoding regulatory DNA in the human genome. Nat Biotechnol. 2017 Aug 8 ;35(8):732-746. [PubMed]

Aviner R, Hofmann S, Elman T, Shenoy A, Geiger T, Elkon R, Ehrlich M, Elroy- Stein O. Proteomic analysis of polyribosomes identifies splicing factors as potential regulators of translation during mitosis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jun 2;45(10):5945-5957. [PubMed]

Slobodin B, Han R, Calderone V, Vrielink JAFO, Loayza-Puch F, Elkon R, Agami R. Transcription Impacts the Efficiency of mRNA Translation via Co- transcriptional N6-adenosine Methylation. Cell. 2017 Apr 6;169(2):326-337.e12. [PubMed]

Matern M, Vijayakumar S, Margulies Z, Milon B, Song Y, Elkon R, Zhang X, Jones SM, Hertzano R. Gfi1Cre mice have early onset progressive hearing loss and induce recombination in numerous inner ear non-hair cells. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 9;7:42079. [PubMed]


Drost R, Dhillon KK, van der Gulden H, van der Heijden I, Brandsma I, Cruz C, Chondronasiou D, Castroviejo-Bermejo M, Boon U, Schut E, van der Burg E, Wientjens E, Pieterse M, Klijn C, Klarenbeek S, Loayza-Puch F, Elkon R, van
Deemter L, Rottenberg S, van de Ven M, Dekkers DH, Demmers JA, van Gent DC, Agami R, Balmaña J, Serra V, Taniguchi T, Bouwman P, Jonkers J. BRCA1185delAG tumors may acquire therapy resistance through expression of RING-less BRCA1. J Clin Invest. 2016 Aug 1;126(8):2903-18. [PubMed]

Hoffman Y, Bublik DR, Ugalde AP, Elkon R, Biniashvili T, Agami R, Oren M, Pilpel Y. 3'UTR Shortening Potentiates MicroRNA-Based Repression of Pro- differentiation Genes in Proliferating Human Cells. PLoS Genet. 2016 Feb 23;12(2):e 1005879. [PubMed]

Friedman-Mazursky O, Elkon R, Efrat S. Redifferentiation of expanded human islet β cells by inhibition of ARX. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 9;6:20698. [PubMed]

Korkmaz G, Lopes R, Ugalde AP, Nevedomskaya E, Han R, Myacheva K, Zwart W, Elkon R, Agami R. Functional genetic screens for enhancer elements in the human genome using CRISPR-Cas9. Nat Biotechnol. 2016 Feb;34(2):192-8. [PubMed]

Creemers EE, Bawazeer A, Ugalde AP, van Deutekom HW, van der Made I, deGroot NE, Adriaens ME, Cook SA, Bezzina  CR, Hubner N, van der Velden J, Elkon R, Agami R, Pinto YM. Genome-Wide Polyadenylation Maps Reveal Dynamic mRNA 3'-End Formation in the Failing Human Heart. Circ Res. 2016 Feb 5;118(3):433-8. [PubMed]


Elkon R, Loayza-Puch F, Korkmaz G, Lopes R, van Breugel PC, Bleijerveld OB, Altelaar AF, Wolf E, Lorenzin F, Eilers M, Agami R. Myc coordinates transcription and translation to enhance transformation and suppress invasiveness. EMBO Rep. 2015 Dec;16(12):1723-36. [PubMed]

Elkon R, Milon B, Morrison L, Shah M, Vijayakumar S, Racherla M, Leitch CC, Silipino L, Hadi S, Weiss-Gayet M, Barras E, Schmid CD, Ait-Lounis A, Barnes A, Song Y, Eisenman DJ, Eliyahu E, Frolenkov GI, Strome SE, Durand B, Zaghloul NA, Jones SM, Reith W, Hertzano R. RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nat Commun. 2015 Oct 15;6:8549. [PubMed]

Cohen-Gulkar M, David A, Messika-Gold N, Eshel M, Ovadia S, Zuk-Bar N, Idelson M, Cohen-Tayar Y, Reubinoff B, Ziv T, Shamay M, Elkon R, Ashery-Padan R. The LHX2-OTX2 transcriptional regulatory module controls retinal pigmented epithelium differentiation and underlies genetic risk for age-related macular degeneration. PLoS Biol. 2023 Jan 17;21(1):e3001924. [PubMed]

Rashi-Elkeles S, Warnatz HJ, Elkon R, Kupershtein A, Chobod Y, Paz A, Amstislavskiy V, Sultan M, Safer H, Nietfeld W, Lehrach H, Shamir R, Yaspo ML, Shiloh Y. Parallel profiling of the transcriptome, cistrome, and epigenome in the cellular response to ionizing radiation. Sci Signal. 2014 May 13

Elkon R, Ugalde AP, Agami R. Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation: extent, regulation and function. Nat Rev Genet. 2013 Jul;14(7):496-506.

Loayza-Puch F, Drost J, Rooijers K, Lopes R, Elkon R, Agami R. p53 induces transcriptional and translational programs to suppress cell proliferation and growth. Genome Biol. 2013 Apr 17;14(4):R32.

Melo CA, Drost J, Wijchers PJ, van de Werken H, de Wit E, Oude Vrielink JA, Elkon R, Melo SA, Léveillé N, Kalluri R, de Laat W, Agami R. eRNAs are required for p53-dependent enhancer activity and gene transcription. Mol Cell. 2013 Feb

Before 2015

Morris AR, Bos A, Diosdado B, Rooijers K, Elkon R, Bolijn AS, Carvalho B, Meijer GA, Agami R. Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation during colorectal cancer development. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Oct 1;18(19):5256-66.

Elkon R, Drost J, van Haaften G, Jenal M, Schrier M, Oude Vrielink JA, Agami R. E2F mediates enhanced alternative polyadenylation in proliferation. Genome Biol. 2012 Jul 2;13(7):R59.

Hertzano R, Elkon R. High throughput gene expression analysis of the inner ear. Hear Res. 2012 Jun;288(1-2):77-88.

Jenal M, Elkon R, Loayza-Puch F, van Haaften G, Kühn U, Menzies FM, Oude Vrielink JA, Bos AJ, Drost J, Rooijers K, Rubinsztein DC, Agami R. The poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 suppresses alternative cleavage and
polyadenylation sites.
Cell. 2012 Apr 27;149(3):538-53.

Léveillé N, Elkon R, Davalos V, Manoharan V, Hollingworth D, Oude Vrielink J, le Sage C, Melo CA, Horlings HM, Wesseling J, Ule J, Esteller M, Ramos A, Agami R. Selective inhibition of microRNA accessibility by RBM38 is required for
p53 activity.
Nat Commun. 2011 Oct 25;2:513

Hertzano R, Elkon R, Kurima K, Morrisson A, Chan SL, Sallin M, Biedlingmaier A, Darling DS, Griffith AJ, Eisenman DJ, Strome SE. Cell type-specific transcriptome analysis reveals a major role for Zeb1 and miR-200b in mouse inner
ear morphogenesis.
PLoS Genet. 2011 Sep;7(9):e1002309.

Salton M, Elkon R, Borodina T, Davydov A, Yaspo ML, Halperin E, Shiloh Y. Matrin 3 binds and stabilizes mRNA. PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e23882.

Rashi-Elkeles S, Elkon R, Shavit S, Lerenthal Y, Linhart C, Kupershtein A, Amariglio N, Rechavi G, Shamir R, Shiloh Y. Transcriptional modulation induced by ionizing radiation: p53 remains a central player. Mol Oncol. 2011 Aug;5(4):336-48.

Elkan-Miller T, Ulitsky I, Hertzano R, Rudnicki A, Dror AA, Lenz DR, Elkon R, Irmler M, Beckers J, Shamir R, Avraham KB. Integration of transcriptomics, proteomics, and microRNA analyses reveals novel microRNA regulation of targets in the mammalian inner ear. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 5;6(4):e18195.

Bensimon A, Schmidt A, Ziv Y, Elkon R, Wang SY, Chen DJ, Aebersold R, Shiloh Y. ATM-dependent and -independent dynamics of the nuclear phosphoproteome after DNA damage. Sci Signal. 2010 Dec 7;3(151):rs3.

Paz A, Brownstein Z, Ber Y, Bialik S, David E, Sagir D, Ulitsky I, Elkon R, Kimchi A, Avraham KB, Shiloh Y, Shamir R. SPIKE: a database of highly curated human signaling pathways. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database issue):D793-9.

Kedde M, van Kouwenhove M, Zwart W, Oude Vrielink JA, Elkon R, Agami R. A Pumilio-induced RNA structure switch in p27-3' UTR controls miR-221 and miR-222 accessibility. Nat Cell Biol. 2010 Oct;12(10):1014-20.

Elkon R, Zlotorynski E, Zeller KI, Agami R. Major role for mRNA stability in shaping the kinetics of gene induction. BMC Genomics. 2010 Apr 21;11:259.

Drost J, Mantovani F, Tocco F, Elkon R, Comel A, Holstege H, Kerkhoven R, Jonkers J, Voorhoeve PM, Agami R, Del Sal G. BRD7 is a candidate tumour suppressor gene required for p53 function. Nat Cell Biol. 2010 Apr;12(4):380-9.

Ulitsky I, Maron-Katz A, Shavit S, Sagir D, Linhart C, Elkon R, Tanay A, Sharan R, Shiloh Y, Shamir R. Expander: from expression microarrays to networks and functions. Nat Protoc. 2010 Feb;5(2):303-22.

Elkon R, Agami R. Removal of AU bias from microarray mRNA expression data enhances computational identification of active microRNAs. PLoS Comput Biol. 2008 Oct 3;4(10):e1000189.

Elkon R, Vesterman R, Amit N, Ulitsky I, Zohar I, Weisz M, Mass G, Orlev N, Sternberg G, Blekhman R, Assa J, Shiloh Y, Shamir R. SPIKE--a database, visualization and analysis tool of cellular signaling pathways. BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 Feb 20;9:110.

Elkon R, Linhart C, Halperin Y, Shiloh Y, Shamir R. Functional genomic delineation of TLR-induced transcriptional networks. BMC Genomics. 2007 Oct 29;8:394.

Blum R, Elkon R, Yaari S, Zundelevich A, Jacob-Hirsch J, Rechavi G, Shamir R, Kloog Y. Gene expression signature of human cancer cell lines treated with the ras inhibitor salirasib (S-farnesylthiosalicylic acid). Cancer Res. 2007 Apr

Zhou T, Chou J, Mullen TE, Elkon R, Zhou Y, Simpson DA, Bushel PR, Paules RS, Lobenhofer EK, Hurban P, Kaufmann WK. Identification of primary transcriptional regulation of cell cycle-regulated genes upon DNA damage. Cell
Cycle. 2007 Apr 15;6(8):972-81.

Scafoglio C, Ambrosino C, Cicatiello L, Altucci L, Ardovino M, Bontempo P, Medici N, Molinari AM, Nebbioso A, Facchiano A, Calogero RA, Elkon R, Menini N, Ponzone R, Biglia N, Sismondi P, De Bortoli M, Weisz A. Comparative gene
expression profiling reveals partially overlapping but distinct genomic actions of different antiestrogens in human breast cancer cells.
J Cell Biochem. 2006 Aug 1;98(5):1163-84.

Blum R, Nakdimon I, Goldberg L, Elkon R, Shamir R, Rechavi G, Kloog Y. E2F1 identified by promoter and biochemical analysis as a central target of glioblastoma cell-cycle arrest in response to Ras inhibition. Int J Cancer. 2006
Aug 1;119(3):527-38.

Rashi-Elkeles S, Elkon R, Weizman N, Linhart C, Amariglio N, Sternberg G, Rechavi G, Barzilai A, Shamir R, Shiloh Y. Parallel induction of ATM-dependent pro- and antiapoptotic signals in response to ionizing radiation in murine lymphoid tissue. Oncogene. 2006 Mar 9;25(10):1584-92.

Linhart C, Elkon R, Shiloh Y, Shamir R. Deciphering transcriptional regulatory elements that encode specific cell cycle phasing by comparative genomics analysis. Cell Cycle. 2005 Dec;4(12):1788-97.

Shamir R, Maron-Katz A, Tanay A, Linhart C, Steinfeld I, Sharan R, Shiloh Y, Elkon R. EXPANDER--an integrative program suite for microarray data analysis. BMC Bioinformatics. 2005 Sep 21;6:232.

Ziv S, Brenner O, Amariglio N, Smorodinsky NI, Galron R, Carrion DV, ZhangW, Sharma GG, Pandita RK, Agarwal M, Elkon R, Katzin N, Bar-Am I, Pandita TK, Kucherlapati R, Rechavi G, Shiloh Y, Barzilai A. Impaired genomic stability and increased oxidative stress exacerbate different features of Ataxia- telangiectasia. Hum Mol Genet. 2005 Oct 1;14(19):2929-43.

Ophir G, Amariglio N, Jacob-Hirsch J, Elkon R, Rechavi G, Michaelson DM. Apolipoprotein E4 enhances brain inflammation by modulation of the NF-kappaB signaling cascade. Neurobiol Dis. 2005 Dec;20(3):709-18.

Elkon R, Rashi-Elkeles S, Lerenthal Y, Linhart C, Tenne T, Amariglio N, Rechavi G, Shamir R, Shiloh Y. Dissection of a DNA-damage-induced transcriptional network using a combination of microarrays, RNA interference and
computational promoter analysis.
Genome Biol. 2005;6(5):R43.

Elkon R, Zeller KI, Linhart C, Dang CV, Shamir R, Shiloh Y. In silico identification of transcriptional regulators associated with c-Myc. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Sep 23;32(17):4955-61.

Hertzano R, Montcouquiol M, Rashi-Elkeles S, Elkon R, Yücel R, Frankel WN, Rechavi G, Möröy T, Friedman TB, Kelley MW, Avraham KB. Transcription profiling of inner ears from Pou4f3(ddl/ddl) identifies Gfi1 as a target of the Pou4f3 deafness gene. Hum Mol Genet. 2004 Sep 15;13(18):2143-53.

Elkon R, Linhart C, Sharan R, Shamir R, Shiloh Y. Genome-wide in silico identification of transcriptional regulators controlling the cell cycle in human cells. Genome Res. 2003 May;13(5):773-80.

Fuchs T, Malecova B, Linhart C, Sharan R, Khen M, Herwig R, Shmulevich D, Elkon R, Steinfath M, O'Brien JK, Radelof U, Lehrach H, Lancet D, Shamir R. DEFOG: a practical scheme for deciphering families of genes. Genomics. 2002

Sharan R, Elkon R, Shamir R. Cluster analysis and its applications to gene expression data. Ernst Schering Res Found Workshop. 2002;(38):83-108.

Galves M, Sperber M, Amer-Sarsour F, Elkon R, Ashkenazi A. Transcriptional profiling of the response to starvation and fattening reveals differential regulation of autophagy genes in mammals. Proc Biol Sci. 2023 Mar 29;290(1995):20230407. [PubMed]

Markovits E, Harush O, Baruch EN, Shulman ED, Debby A, Itzhaki O, Anafi L, Danilevsky A, Shomron N, Ben-Betzalel G, Asher N, Shapira-Frommer R, Schachter J, Barshack I, Geiger T, Elkon R, Besser MJ, Markel G. MYC Induces Immunotherapy and IFN-gamma Resistance Through Downregulation of JAK2. Cancer Immunol Res. 2023 Jul 5;11(7):909-924. [PubMed]

Bordeynik-Cohen M, Sperber M, Ebbers L, Messika-Gold N, Krohs C, Koffler- Brill T, Noy Y, Elkon R, Nothwang HG, Avraham KB. Shared and organ-specific gene-expression programs during the development of the cochlea and the superior olivary complex. RNA Biol. 2023 Jan;20(1):629-640. [PubMed]

Haj M, Levon A, Frey Y, Hourvitz N, Campisi J, Tzfati Y, Elkon R, Ziv Y, Shiloh Y. Accelerated replicative senescence of ataxia-telangiectasia skin fibroblasts is retained at physiologic oxygen levels, with unique and common transcriptional patterns. Aging Cell. 2023 Aug;22(8):e13869. [PubMed]

Ovadia S, Cui G, Elkon R, Cohen-Gulkar M, Zuk-Bar N, Tuoc T, Jing N, Ashery- Padan R. SWI/SNF complexes are required for retinal pigmented epithelium differentiation and for the inhibition of cell proliferation and neural differentiation programs. Development. 2023 Aug 15;150(16):dev201488. [PubMed]

Levi H, Carmi S, Rosset S, Yerushalmi R, Zick A, Yablonski-Peretz T; BCAC Consortium; Ben-Shachar S,Elefant N, Shamir R, Elkon R. Evaluation of European-based polygenic risk score for breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish women in Israel. J Med Genet. 2023 Jul 14:jmg-2023-109185. [PubMed]

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